Faculty & Staff

Nancy Taylor Porter
Nancy is a veteran of training programs at Shakespeare and Company, Actors Movement Studio, Tectonic Theater Project, iO Theatre (formerly improv Olympic), and The Second City, who has directed over 35 productions. Some of her favorites have been She Kills Monsters, The Prom, Romeo and Juliet, Children of a Lesser God, Bonnie & Clyde, Richard III, and Angels in America. She teaches a wide range of courses, from Acting, to Shakespeare on Stage and Screen, to Scriptwriting, to Comic Books to Blockbusters, to Directing, a variety she enjoys. Creating theatre with talented actors is one of her favorite things to do in life. A singer, actor, and dancer, Nancy has performed in and directed at theatres in the area. In addition, she has published two books: Women Direct Shakespeare in America and Violent Women in Contemporary Theatres. She has also been published in Women's Studies, Theatre Journal, and Shakespearean Criticism.
Nancy Taylor Porter knows the world of theatre very well. She has prepared all of her students on what to expect and how to approach the professional world.
Nancy's office has always been open to me if I need someone to talk to.