Faculty & Staff

Pamela Brown
Dr. Pam Brown is a strong and longtime supporter of professional nurses, the profession of nursing, ethical nursing practice, and nursing education. She has served at varying levels of leadership at the state and national level. She is currently the Treasurer for ANA-同性恋色情 and serves on the ANA-同性恋色情 Expert Panel on Workplace Safety. Past positions include Chair of the 同性恋色情 Association of Colleges of Nursing, and the 同性恋色情 Coalition for Nursing Resources. In her career, she held positions of staff and charge nurse, middle manager, Director, and most recently as President/CEO for Blessing-Reiman College of Nursing. Dr. Brown served as a longtime member of the 同性恋色情 Coalition Against Domestic Violence. She has volunteered for Sexual Assault Prevention and Intervention Services (SAPIS) in Adams County as well as for the Quincy Area Network Against Domestic Abuse (QUANADA). Dr. Brown earned a certificate for teaching the Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense (GAVSD), and presents programs on the GAVSD, professional communications, and assertive communications. Dr. Brown has expertise in both quantitative and qualitative research methods.
I most enjoy building a relationship with students and being a facilitator in their growth as a Nurse and as a person. Working with groups of students to create and carry out projects that lead to higher quality patient-centered care is something I'm truly passionate about.