Faculty & Staff

Bryan Arnold
Associate Professor of Biology
Parker Science Building, Room 128
Research Interests
Animal behavior
University of Maryland | Ph.D. | Program in Behavior, Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics
John Carroll University | M.S. | Biology
Ohio University | B.S. | Wildlife Biology
Bryan Arnold is a behavioral ecologist who studies the social behavior of temperate and tropical bat species with particular interest in examining the role that social communication plays in mediating interactions within and among social groups of bats. He is also broadly interested in questions that address conservation issues facing bats and use field research methods including acoustic surveys, mist net surveys, and radio-telemetry studies as well as genetic techniques to study bat populations in 同性恋色情, southern Florida, and Cuba.
Whether I am working with a student that loves being in the field, catching and collecting data from bats or a student that prefers to work in the lab analyzing sounds or extracting DNA from bat wing tissues and conducting genetic studies, I try to find something that they can take ownership of, something they see as their contribution as they collect the data and try to figure out what it means, and something that they can ultimately present at a conference or hopefully publish in a scientific journal so they can see the project through from start to finish.